Centro en Calma

Gift Cards

Give a special moment for a special person and make her live a different experience

We will send your gift to the place where it is!

¡The best choice for an original gift!

Steps to get a gift card

  1. Choose the type of experience and the duration it will have.
  2. Fill out the form with the information required to make your purchase.
  3. Make your payment through the method you prefer.
  4. The beneficiary must schedule their service through the CENTRO EN CALMA website at least three hours in advance using the code that appears on the gift card.
  5. We come to your home to make you live the best moment of the day.

NOTE: Physical gift card + $30.00 MXN

Get it here

answer the following form to get a gift card, once you send us the following information you will receive an email with the details to make the payment.

Relaxing Massage
Sport Massage
Deep tissue massage
60 min
90 min
60 min
90 min
45 min
Digital (free)
physical (+ $30.00 MXN)